South Gate Resources Sdn. Bhd.
is an agency that supplies foreign workers and domestic helpers. We have foreign workers from Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia and Philippines. Our agency is located in Johor Bahru (JB), Johor, Malaysia.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us. We will be pleased to answer any enquiries.
South Gate Resources Sdn. Bhd.是一间提供外国劳工的公司。我们的外国劳工来自孟加拉国,中国,印度,印度尼西亚,缅甸,尼泊尔,越南,柬埔寨和菲律宾。如果您有任何疑问或需要了解更多信息,请与我们联系。我们的公司坐落在马来西亚柔佛新山。我们很乐意为您解答任何疑问。